Thursday, April 10, 2008

Curing our collective blog ADD

Greetings. My name's Joe Bianca. If you remember my fine work at Saratoga: Diary of a Summer or the first season of Countdown to March, you might think I'm a pretty good blogger. After all, I do live with my parents and spend a considerable amount of time in my underwear. However, if you remember the mediocrity that was Saratoga Summer, Part Two and the second season of Countdown to March, you probably think I suddenly became too cool to blog.

Trust me, not the case. I've just come to begrudgingly accept the fact that unless one has absolutely nothing else going on in one's life, or unless one is getting paid to write a blog, it's pretty darn hard to consistently keep up one of these and make it interesting, insightful, funny, etc. It's also hard to be a daily reader of a certain blog, what with every organism that can tap keys in succession polluting the blogosphere.

Which is why I'm not challenging myself with this latest venture into nerd country. This is a specific purpose blog, solely about Kentucky Derby 134, which, if I can subtract correctly, is all of 23 days away. From now until then, I'll be doing Derby musings, analysis and dick jokes, because that's all I can thoughtfully write at this time of year. After May 3, this will probably be more dead air in the series of tubes. But let's have some fun in the meantime.

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